Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Grading Curve (Didn't Get to Proof)

Kira often tells me I am way to harsh on people and need to let up sometimes. She feels I often times write people off too quickly. DeDe thinks I expect too much from people and often times set my standards a little too high.

I look at it this way and probably will until Jesus says otherwise. I grade those who are closest to me a lot harder than others. If I feel like if a close friend who is in my circle has betrayed me, lied to me, doesn't have my best interest at heart, just get written off a lot quicker than a lower class friend.

Now a lower class friend is a friend that you may work with or go to the gym with and you hang out from time to time, maybe do dinner or have a cocktail but you are not thick as thieves type homies. Now a lower class friend has the potential to become a good friend so long as they don't accrue too many marks against them and get the boot. Since this friend is not a good friend to you and vice versa you don't expect much and you don't give much. Now you have to let a lower class friend know their place or else they may be disappointed that they don't get better treatment.

Groundskeeper friends fit into the category of keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This is the chick you can't leave around your man unsupervised cause she will make a move, you can't let her know too much because she will talk about you but you keep her around and she corresponds with you because you benefit from each other in various ways. This broad means nothing and you rarely talk to her on any real level.

I have a friend that was surely on the way to being a ride or die friend but because I think this person was not completely honest with me they will surely be deleted come January 1 if not sooner. The rest will be deleted via lottery selection this year as I am not particularly fond of anyone on the list.


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