Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Woman's Shoe Size

Why is it so frowned upon for women to have big feet. My whole life I have been embarrassed to tell men in particular what size shoe I wear.

A coworker of mine told me he bought his wife some boots similar to he ones I was wearing but they are a softer leather and they are brown. I was sitting there thinking how nice of you to do something so sweet for her. I love men who love and support their significant others love for fine footwear. Then he proceeded to ask me what size shoe I wore and I froze and couldn't speak like a lump of mucous was lodged in my throat blocking the words from coming out.

He laughed and was like no seriously, my wife doesn't like the boots and has never worn them and can't find the receipt. There are yours if you can fit them. Even still I hesitated.

I then asked him what size the shoes where and he told me and I told him I would take them. After we laughed at uncomfortable situation I told what size I wore and we laughed.

I think the Chinese started this problem with their foot binding rituals, the stigma that large feet are a bad thing.

I am sure Heidi Klum wears a size 10 or 11 so why should I care about my size 9 1/2 feet. I am a tall girl and I have rather long feet and a new pair of high heel brown boots for the winter.



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